My beloved Wacom Intuous has left me after experiencing nothing but endless torture for 6 years, hope it's in a better place.
(Ignore the terrible image edit)
Here's the torment it's endured:
-Water/juice spills (x??)
-Eating oily shit over it (x??)
-Dropping it (x2)
-Throwing a pen at it so hard that the pen broke, left a permanent scar :(
-Peeling and eating an entire pomelo/shaddock on top of it like some sort of unholy charcuterie board
-Same thing with longan
I'm a slob, but the tablet sure wasn't.
Surprised that it lasted this long despite me being a terrible owner, now I can't work on shit until I get enough money to get a new tablet (back to my part time job I guess) this puts that whole contest thing on pause which is a massive set back :(.
Rest in peace Wacom Intuous, I treated you terribly when I probably shouldn't have.